19 Şubat 2009 Perşembe

The Anaerobic (ATP-CP) Energy System

The Anaerobic (ATP-CP) Energy SystemAdenosine Triphosphate (ATP) stores in
the muscle last for approximately 2 seconds and the resynthesis of ATP from
Creatine Phosphate (CP) will continue until CP stores are depleted,
approximately 4 to 6 seconds. This gives us around 5 to 8 seconds of ATP
production.To develop this energy system, sessions of 4 to 8 seconds of high
intensity work at near peak velocity are required e.g.* 3 × 10 × 30 metres with
recovery of 30 seconds/repetition and 5 minutes/set.* 15 × 60 metres with 60
seconds recovery* 20 × 20 metres shuttle runs with 45 seconds recovery

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