Business hours are 8:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. All centres remain open later for
community meetings etc.Access Toronto staff at each civic centre can help you in person with any
questions related to municipal government services during regular business
hours.Take an opportunity to visit the information desk at the following civic
centres. Please note, counter service is not available at Metro Hall and York
Civic Centre. A great source of information about local government and community
services, you can also pick up pamphlets and brochures on Toronto municipal
programs and services while you are there.Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street
North-west corner of Queen Street West and Bay Street)
Toronto ON
M5H 2N2
Public Transit: subway to either Queen (Yonge line) or Osgoode
(University line) and walk over to Bay St. Alternatively, take the Bay bus #6 or
#6A northbound from Union Station or southbound from the Bay subway station
(transfer required). Disembark at Albert Street.
East York Civic Centre
850 Coxwell
Location map (pdf: 1 page)
North-west corner of Coxwell Avenue
and Mortimer Avenue
Toronto ON M4C 5R1
Public Transit: subway to Coxwell,
then O'Connor bus #70 north on Coxwell
Etobicoke Civic Centre
399 The West Mall
Location map (pdf: 1 page)
South-east corner of Burnhamthorpe and The West Mall, Toronto ON M9C
Public Transit: subway to Islington, then Burnhamthorpe bus #50 west to
The West Mall
Metro Hall - 55 John Street
(no pamphlets,
brochures or counter service)
South-east corner of King and John, two
blocks east of Spadina)
Toronto, ON M5V 3C6
Public Transit: subway to St.
Andrew, then walk through "PATH" to Metro Hall or walk above ground 2 blocks
North York Civic Centre
5100 Yonge Street
Location map (pdf: 1 page)
On the
west side of Yonge Street, five blocks north of Sheppard Avenue
Toronto, ON
M2N 5V7
Public Transit: subway to North York Centre
Scarborough Civic Centre
150 Borough
Location map (pdf: 1 page)
North-west corner of McCowan Road and Ellesmere Road
Toronto, ON M1P
Public Transit: subway to Kennedy, then L.R.T. to Scarborough Town
York Civic Centre
2700 Eglinton Ave. West
1 block
west of Keele Street, north side
Toronto, ON M6M 1V1
Public Transit:
subway to either Keele (Bloor line) and then Keele bus #41 or Eglinton West
(University/Spadina line) and then Eglinton bus #32
Şifalı bitkilerle cilt bakımı ve güzellik kürleri. Ayrıca Uzmanlar tarafından Çeşitli kürler ve tavsiyeleri,Çocuk ve bebek sağlığı
5 Ocak 2009 Pazartesi
Locations of Civic Centres
Kayıt Yorumları (Atom)
Popüler Yayınlar
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