5 Ocak 2009 Pazartesi


Although the simple, uncluttered 'look' is still with us the stark minimalist style has been replaced by a more comfortable, homely appearance. The move towards 'handleless' kitchens with their sleek 'no knob's convenience is gaining in popuarity.

Strong colours have taken over from muted colours: black with burgundy, for example, make a stunning combination in the Spot 188 featured at the top of this page. Small kitchens can also use strong colours successfully. One particularly good combination is white for the walls and cabinets and black granite for the worktops.

Metallic effects are now prominent. The grey aluminium 'look' goes well with rich reds as in the Star 275 where it partners silver maple in the cabinets.

Although woods of silver maple go well with metallic effects gloss white cabinets partner well with rosewood as exemplified in Studio 46R. Indeed, it is the mix of colours and textures which is so exciting. The Superstar 45R/451 bring together gloss white and Rosewood cabinets in the same kitchen.

Dark woods like walnut and teak feature in this year's Nolte kitchens. The 'industrial look' which has in the past made many German kitchens hard and 'masculine' with little or no accenting with curves or soft outlines has given way to the feminine touch as in the Lago 31A with its curved 'island' sink and preparation unit.

The overwhelming Kitchen Design Trend in 2009 is expected to be the continued popularity of mixing colours, textures, and materials whilst softening outlines with curves; but not sacrificing the sleek look for fussiness, embellishment or unecessary adornment. The modern practical, ergonomic kitchen is here to stay, very much the centre still for all household activities in spite of the comeback of the dining room in avante garde households." an Interior Designer.

For Interior Design Trends 2007 - a discussion of how antiques may be mixed with modern designs - look in here at Wildwood Antiques.

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