Add Scanning Capabilites to Your Huntron Tracker Model 30 System
Adding a Huntron® Scanner to your Tracker Model 30 system lets you access components using standard DIP clips and cables, custom cables to PCB connectors or interface to a bed-of-nails.You can compare one component with another in real-time (64 pins max.) or use your PC to automate testing and scan up to 128 pins.Huntron Scanners can be used with a Huntron Access Prober to provide Common line connections while the Prober is probing a PCB. This method gives you up to 128 selectable Commons to use. For example, you can connect the Scanner to a connector on a PCB mounted in the Prober using a common ribbon style cable. While the Prober is probing, any one of the lines on the connected ribbon cable can be selected as the Common reference. This would provide you true point-to-point testing capabilities.Note: The ProTrack Scanner will be replaced by the Scanner II and/or the Scanner 31S effective 1/1/2008. This applies to commercial sales only.Scanner II and Scaner 31S users may want to consider these Optional Accessories to enhance their test capabilities.
The Scanner II and Scanner 31S accessories add scanning capability to the Tracker Model 30
All Scanners have a minimum 64 pin capability
The Scanner II can scan up to 128 pins when the A and B channels are combined
The Scanner 31S use standard IDC style connectors
The Scanner II uses the common SCSI-2 (68 pin) style connectors
Up to 8 Scanner IIs can be “daisy-chained” to increase the available number of test pins
Selecting Accessories for your Scanner IIThe Scanner II accessories for interfacing to your printed circuit board come "ala carte". This means that you select the accessories you want included with your Scanner. Choose from SMT or through-hole style DIP clip and cable kits (Scanner Adapter required with Scanner II) or a mutli-pin breakout cable. Details on these
Huntron Scanners
Add Scanning Capabilites to Your Huntron Tracker Model 30 System
Adding a Huntron® Scanner to your Tracker Model 30 system lets you access components using standard DIP clips and cables, custom cables to PCB connectors or interface to a bed-of-nails.You can compare one component with another in real-time (64 pins max.) or use your PC to automate testing and scan up to 128 pins.Huntron Scanners can be used with a Huntron Access Prober to provide Common line connections while the Prober is probing a PCB. This method gives you up to 128 selectable Commons to use. For example, you can connect the Scanner to a connector on a PCB mounted in the Prober using a common ribbon style cable. While the Prober is probing, any one of the lines on the connected ribbon cable can be selected as the Common reference. This would provide you true point-to-point testing capabilities.Note: The ProTrack Scanner will be replaced by the Scanner II and/or the Scanner 31S effective 1/1/2008. This applies to commercial sales only.Scanner II and Scaner 31S users may want to consider these Optional Accessories to enhance their test capabilities.
The Scanner II and Scanner 31S accessories add scanning capability to the Tracker Model 30
All Scanners have a minimum 64 pin capability
The Scanner II can scan up to 128 pins when the A and B channels are combined
The Scanner 31S use standard IDC style connectors
The Scanner II uses the common SCSI-2 (68 pin) style connectors
Up to 8 Scanner IIs can be “daisy-chained” to increase the available number of test pins
Selecting Accessories for your Scanner IIThe Scanner II accessories for interfacing to your printed circuit board come "ala carte". This means that you select the accessories you want included with your Scanner. Choose from SMT or through-hole style DIP clip and cable kits (Scanner Adapter required with Scanner II) or a mutli-pin breakout cable. Details on these accessories are provided on this page.
accessories are provided on this page.
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6 Ocak 2009 Salı
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